Code Archers


I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.

Blaise Pascal

Zero-bug software

Simply put, producing zero-bug software is what we live for. In order to decrease the risk of bugs in the software we work with, we systematically ask ourselves the following question: can this code be simplified and still fulfill its purpose?

This approach has two benefits:

Race conditions in multi-threaded applications

In our experience, the difficulty of synchronization in multithreaded applications is grossly underestimated. Race conditions are often the cause of the majority of bugs in such applications. At Code Archers, we have accumulated an extensive experience of tracking down such bugs and reenginering parts of applications to eliminate race conditions. Part of this work is to review the needs of parallelism in the application and look for possible simplifications.

Embedded software

Software delivered by members of the Code Archers team is most often embedded software running on processing units with limited capacity, in applications with hard real-time requirements.


Software engineering is a craft, and requires a toolset. Ours is the following:

About Code Archers

Code Archers AB is a limited company registered in Sweden and located in Stockholm, Sweden.

The team:


You may come in contact with us via electronic mail at: team at codearchers dot com.


© 2017-2025 Code Archers