Alain Mosnier

I'm Winston Wolf, I solve problems.

Software engineer, embedded systems

Software engineering is for me both a trade and a passion.

Professionally, I thrive in environments that allow me to deliver high quality software, i.e. software that reliably meets its functional and performance requirements. When designing such software, I strive for simplicity (as opposed to unnecessary cleverness), and solutions that obviously are without defects (as opposed to solutions without obvious defects). With over 15 years of experience in embedded software development as a consultant, I am familiar with state-of-the-art processes, tools and techniques in embedded cross-functional teams.


Founder, CEO and consultant, Code Archers AB,

Feb 2017 - present, Stockholm, Sweden

Open source projects:

Customer assignments:

Consultant and partner, 4Real AB,

Apr 2005 - Jan 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

Customer assignments:

Consultant and key account manager, Teleca System Design (now Prevas AB),

2001 - 2004, Stockholm, Sweden

Especially, customer assignment at Ericsson, project manager within the Engine Integral Network 1.0 Total Project:

Department and project manager, Glocalnet AB,

1998 - 2001, Stockholm, Sweden


Project manager, Global One Services AB (now Orange Business Services),

1997 - 1998, Stockholm, Sweden

Project manager for infrastructure change projects in a telco network.

Consultant, Solucom (now Wavestone),

1994 - 1997, Paris, France

Network consulting for major French corporations and the public sector.

Master thesis, Biomedical centre Cyclotron,

1993, Caen, France

Implementation, test and integration of a tool for linear transformation of brain PET (Positron Emission Tomography) images. Analysis and adaptation of an algorithm proposed by a Canadian research team. Development in C++ under Silicon Graphics IRIX. Test and integration in PET researchers' work environment. Training of PET researchers in using the tool. Use of IRIS Explorer API for 3D visualising of the images.

Software development skills

Project and product development skills


Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: Nand to Tetris Part II (project-centered course),

Nov 2017, Coursera

Implementation in Python of a compiler for the Jack language, which is a simple general purpose object-oriented programming language. The target language is the ISA of the Hack 16-bit computer, previously built in digital logic.

The compiler is built in several steps:

Also, an arbitrary non-trivial program was picked, designed and implemented in Jack, as well as an operating system (multiplication and division in software, screen, keyboard and string handling, etc.).

Certificate, grade: 98,4%.

Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course)

Nov 2016, Coursera

Implementation of a 16-bit computer in digital logic:

Certificate, grade: 100%.


Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, 1990 - 1993, Nancy, France

M.Sc. Computer Science

Lycée Saint Louis, 1988 - 1990, Paris, France

Mathematics, Physics

Board member assignments



I can be reached on alain at wanamoon dot net or +46762160905.

© 2017-2023 Alain Mosnier